About the project

The IPMA portal provides users with access to the seismic data gathered by the seismic network operated by IPMA and seismic stations belonging to several Portuguese institutions (Instituto Dom Luiz, Universidade de Évora, Instituto Geofísico de Coimbra, and Instituto Superior Técnico), and it was developed in the framework of the Collaboratory For Geosciences (C4G). Users can get access to the data by using the web interface provided by this portal or by using the multiple web services (Seedlink, Arclink, FDSNWS, WFCatalog) that are implemented. The services provided by this portal fall under the spirit of the EIDA initiative within ORFEUS, with the aim of integrating into this network.

The data provided in this portal is available for national and international scientific communities, the public and the media.

Data distributed by this portal is processed and archived at the IPMA datacenter, located in the main installations of IPMA in Lisbon, Portugal.


For contacts regarding any technical questions, suggestions or feedback either about this portal or the available data please use one of the following contacts:

  • informacoes@ipma.pt